17 janeiro, 2009

No Times de hoje #90

O artigo After Splash, Nerves, Heroics and Comedy vai para além da descrição da tragédia do voo da US Airways na quinta-feira passada. Centra-se essencialmente nas experiências dos passageiros para sair do avião num curtissimo espaço de tempo. E dei comigo a pensar em duas coisas:

#1 Como reagiria eu numa situação de emergência idêntica? Será que deixaria o sobretudo para trás num dia de frio como aquele? A mochila com o computador? Pegaria na almofada do assento para usar como bóia como já ouvi centenas de vezes?

#2 Como a índole de cada um se manifesta em alturas de aflição. Há os que saem o mais depressa possível, cumprindo ordens. E há os que também saem, mas ajudando quem mais precisa. Em situação de aflição talvez não sejam muitos aqueles que escolham fazer o que está certo... eu não sei como reagiria.

Aqui o link para o vídeo dos acontecimentos em tempo real.

Martin Sosa, 48, who lives in the West Village and was traveling with his wife and two young children, recalled thinking, “O.K., so you survived the impact, now you are going to drown.” He added, “The plane is slowly sinking and there’s no movement to the outside.”
Inside, as if heeding one collective thought, everyone moved to the rear of the cabin, only to find the exit doors there locked tight and water rising as the tail dipped below the surface.
“If that door opened, everything would go under,” said Brad Wentzell, 31, a patio-door salesman from Charlotte, the flight’s destination. The crowd turned and began moving up the aisle all at once.
“Everybody’s blocking everybody off and there’s a woman and a child,” Mr. Wentzell said. “She’s screaming that people were blocking them off.”
The woman was Mr. Sosa’s wife, Tess, who was carrying their 9-month-old son, Damian. Mr. Sosa was with their 4-year-old, Sofia. “People were just saying, ‘Move, move, move!’” he recalled. “Some people were actually gracious enough to let me go by with a child and kind of move my way up.”
But his wife was having a more difficult time, and finally began trying to crawl over the backs of seats. “She didn’t want to get crushed by the stampede,” her husband said. Another passenger heard someone cry, “Get the baby out!”

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