29 fevereiro, 2024

28 fevereiro, 2024

Caprichos #438

Um dia em Londres
e Jaume Plensa presente na estação de London Bridge

27 fevereiro, 2024

Parece que estou a ouvir #434

Nuvelle Vague feat. Mélanie Paine

Looking from a window above
It's like a story of love
Can you hear me?

Came back only yesterday
I'm moving farther away
Won't you need me?

All I needed was the love you gave
All I needed for another day
All I ever knew
Only you

Sometimes when I think may
When it's only a game
And I need you

Listen to the words you say
It's getting harder to stay
When I see you

All I needed was the love you gave
All I needed for another day
All I ever knew
Only you

This is gonna take a long time
And I wonder what's mine
Can't takе no more

Wonder if you'll understand
It's just a touch of your hand
Bеhind a closed door

All I needed was the love you gave
All I needed for another day
All I ever knew
Only you

All I needed was the love you gave
All I needed for another day
All I ever knew
Only you

24 fevereiro, 2024

Sem título #357

Rubbish all around indeed...

Inverno #83

Ainda é bem inverno
mas as manhãs dão fotos bem bonitas!

21 fevereiro, 2024

Palavras lidas #577

by Gillian Wegener

Listen: there are those of us from somewhere else,
the names of birthplaces, of hometowns,
under our skin, tattoos always felt, never seen.
We live here now, though we always meant to leave.

And there are those of us who were born here,
passing the landmarks of our lives so often
we don’t think about them. We never meant to stay.
This place was marked as just for now, as stepping stone,
as temporary on our well-drawn maps.
But for one reason or another, years pass
and we find ourselves hot-stepping with jobs and kids
and this and that and a million little possessions.

Now, the kids say they want to move away. They point
their faces the same directions our faces used to point.
We’ll let them go, of course, knowing more of them
than they think will come back, and that various wayfarers
too will stop for lunch and find themselves
staying for years’ worth of dinners. They will all
find themselves here with the earth spreading
out around them, whispering a welcome
they will be more than a little surprised to hear.

20 fevereiro, 2024

Parece que estou a ouvir #433

Pedra solta

Não vás à fonte sozinho
Que os rouxinóis do Mondego
Ao ver-te tão coradinho
Ficam em desassossego
Não vás à fonte sozinho
Que os rouxinóis do Mondego
Ao ver-te assim coradinho
Ficam em desassossego

Não andes assim descalço
Sendo lindo como és
Há sempre uma pedra em falso
A querer beijar os teus pés
Há sempre uma pedra em falso
A querer beijar os teus pés

Não vás à fonte sozinho
Que os rouxinóis do Mondego
Ao ver-te tão coradinho
Ficam em desassossego
Não vás à fonte sozinho
Que os rouxinóis do Mondego
Ao ver-te assim coradinho
Ficam em desassossego

Não tragas tal sol, tal vento
O teu cabelo doirado
Que o vento a todo o momento
Dá-lhe um beijo malcriado
Que o vento a todo o momento
Dá-lhe um beijo malcriado

Não vás à fonte sozinho
Que os rouxinóis do Mondego
Ao ver-te tão coradinho
Ficam em desassossego
Não vás à fonte sozinho
Que os rouxinóis do Mondego
Ao ver-te assim coradinho
Ficam em desassossego

Não passes mais sem olhar
Não passes sempre a correr
Se passas sem me falar
Eu não passo sem te ver
Se passas sem me falar
Eu não passo sem te ver

Não vás à fonte sozinho
Que os rouxinóis do Mondego
Ao ver-te tão coradinho
Ficam em desassossego
Não vás à fonte sozinho
Que os rouxinóis do Mondego
Ao ver-te tão coradinho
Ficam em desassossego

Não vás à fonte sozinho
Que os rouxinóis do Mondego
Ao ver-te tão coradinho
Ficam em desassossego
Não vás à fonte sozinho
Que os rouxinóis do Mondego
Ao ver-te tão coradinho
Ficam em desassossego

Ditto #576

When it comes to people, mercy killing is against the law. When it comes to fiction, it is the law.

-- Stephen King

19 fevereiro, 2024

Coisas bonitas #157

One more for the Coventry sunsets collection

18 fevereiro, 2024

17 fevereiro, 2024

Parece que estou a ouvir #432


In the chilly hours and minutes
Of uncertainty, I want to be
In the warm hold of your love and mine

To feel you all around me
And to take your hand along the sand
Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind

When sundown pales the sky
I want to hide a while behind your smile
And everywhere I'd look your eyes I'd find

For me to love you now
Would be the sweetest thing 'twould make me sing
Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind

Di di di di, di di di di
Di di di di, di di di di
Di di di

When rain has hung the leaves with tears
I want you near to kill my fears
To help me to leave all my blues behind

For standin' in your heart
Is where I want to be and long to be
Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind

Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind

16 fevereiro, 2024

Coisas que não mudam #651

Alexei Navalny died today in a Russian prison on the Arctic Circle, after having appeared yesterday in good health before a judge via video conference. It's remarkable he kept alive for so long after his inprisonment in 2021 upon returning to Russia after being poisoned in 2020 and being flown to Germany. He was my age.

A grim reminder of the fate of dissonant voices in totalitarian regimes. For every voice that is lost, another rises... there is always someone who resists and stands for what's right. Dictatorships fall... with a loud bang.

13 fevereiro, 2024

12 fevereiro, 2024

Sem título #355

One way of seeing it...

Espantos #678

Borboleta portuguesa voa sobre a água em Doha... ou
Diogo Ribeiro ganha ouro nos mundiais de natação em 50m mariposa

11 fevereiro, 2024

Palavras lidas #576

by Lawrence Raab

for Jonathan Aaron

It was late, and I was trying to remember
what someone once said about our woes—
how they rise out of our unwillingness
to stay in our rooms. After which
I opened the window, and both of us heard
the rustling sounds outside, as if small
furtive things were hurrying away, or hiding.
You were reminded of the movie Frogs
in which one character after another unwisely
leaves the house only to be hunted down
by animals not generally known
for deliberate acts of revenge.
Thus proving that what we do to the world
returns to haunt us. Radioactivity,
I said, is the usual explanation.
Also carelessness, greed, and desire.
Maybe, you replied. But Ava Gardner
was the most beautiful woman who ever lived.
There can be no doubt about that.
Although Grace Kelly in Rear Window
comes very close, for different reasons.
That left us silent and transfixed.
Outside, something was moving around,
something which now seemed
to have found its way into the walls.

10 fevereiro, 2024

Ditto #575

There's nothing quite as frightening as someone who knows they are right.

--Michael Faraday

09 fevereiro, 2024

Porenores #180

Com a chuva cresce o musgo nos telhados
e nos muros

Coisas que mudaram #29

Orquídeas a caminho
a rosa é a mais recente aquisição para companhia
da branca que pela primeira vez refloresce nas minhas mãos

08 fevereiro, 2024

07 fevereiro, 2024

Parece que estou a ouvir #431

Sara Correia

Tu querias-me convencer
Que me bastava viver
Dos recados que mandavas
Tu querias-me convencer
Que me bastava viver
Dos recados que mandavas
Só recados recebia
Não te falava nem via
Nem sabia onde é que andavas
Só recados recebia
Não te falava nem via
Nem sabia onde é que andavas

As noites que não dormi
À espera já não de ti
Mas de um recado qualquer
As noites que não dormi
À espera já não de ti
Mas de um recado qualquer
Pedi então que parasses
Que recados não mandasses
Para que eu pudesse esquecer
Pedi então que parasses
Que recados não mandasses
Para que eu pudesse esquecer

Para mal dos meus pecados
Tu mandavas mais recados
Indiferente ao que eu pedia
Para mal dos meus pecados
Tu mandavas mais recados
Indiferente ao que eu pedia
E até hoje sem parar
Continuas a mandar
P'ra que eu sofra o que sofria
E até hoje sem parar
Continuas a mandar
P'ra que eu sofra o que sofria

Mas não te prendas comigo
Eu já nem sequer lhes ligo
Tantos anos já passados
Mas não te prendas comigo
Eu já nem sequer lhes ligo
Tantos anos já passados
E agora um bom motivo
É que o homem com quem vivo
Acha graça aos teus recados
E agora um bom motivo
É que o homem com quem vivo
Acha graça aos teus recados

06 fevereiro, 2024

05 fevereiro, 2024

04 fevereiro, 2024

Primavera #178

Os primeiros narcisos são sempre os do meu jardim

02 fevereiro, 2024

Espantos #677

Highlights of President Ramos-Horta's intervention
"... conflicts don't end because one party wins the war, conflicts end because of leaders"

"... to prevent conflict you should never demonise your enemy"

"... there is no safer border in the world today than that of Timor Leste and Indonesia; among Southeast Asian countries these two have the friendliest relationship"

"... President Habibie should also have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize"

"... Xanana Gusmão is the true leader of my country. When we got independence in 2002 he said 'we want reconciliation,' and we all followed"

"... we never wanted an international court in Timor Leste, we wanted reconciliation"

In this day and age, it is refreshing to hear someone who only speaks about peace as (admittedly) frustrating as it may be.

Palavras lidas #575

Love Poem
by Paul Zimmer

Last days before first frost
we stroll out hand in hand
to see yellow sulfurs lift
in multitudes
over the fields
flittering in ecstatic pairs
to descend
and spangle the hay

Months later
trudging winter fields
in the morning sun
we see their million
rapturous spirits have risen
through layers of drift
to glitter
on the snow crust

01 fevereiro, 2024

Ditto #574

I come before you to declare that my sex are entitled to the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

--Victoria Woodhull (1838-1927), American suffragette addressing congress. in 1870