30 junho, 2022

29 junho, 2022

Caprichos #676

Promessas... de tomate

28 junho, 2022

27 junho, 2022

Parece que estou a ouvir #368

La Fête
Rodrigo Leão feat. Helena Noguerra

Viens, fais la fête
Viens dancer toujour
Célébrer l'amour

Séche tes larmes
Regarde autour de toi
Souris a n'importe quois

Il faut toucher les choses
Bois ton vin
Sens tes roses

Suis les mots, du poète
Prends la vie
Fais la fête

Viens, vis la valse
Vis l'éclat des jours
Viens chanter l'amour

Ouvre tes portes
Reçois la vie chez toi
Gonfle ton coeur de joie

Il faut toucher les choses
Bois ton vin
Sens tes roses

Suis les mots, du poète
Prends la vie
Fais la fête

Caprichos #675

Simple lunch

26 junho, 2022

Parece que estou a ouvir #367

Friend of a Friend
Rodrigo Leão feat. Maria Gurevich

WellNow here we are again
Friend of a friend
You must be aware
That world in parallel
While you walk with someone else
And sit by yourself
There's another life
That we share

Friend of a friend
Gives me a feelin'
Forbidden fruit
Always in season

Woke this morning from a dream
A dream I'll keep for me
Now I'll leave it be
A sweet mystery
Why to pull up every rose?
To see how it grows
On the psychic line
Won't you
Call sometime

Friend of a friend
Gives me a feelin'
Forbidden fruit
Always in season

Friend of a friend
Gives me a feelin'
Forbidden fruit
Always in season

25 junho, 2022

24 junho, 2022

Sem título #258

The fine line between procrastination and laziness... is there one?

21 junho, 2022

Palavras lidas #517

Life is a Struggle
by Louis Nelson

Life is a struggle in the jungle,
If you don’t believe me, ask your uncle.
One day’s good, the next may be terrible,
Like a dark surrealist parable.
But thanks to ignorance we march on
Today, awaiting tomorrow’s dawn.
The sun sets, the stars appear,
We sit outside, enjoy a beer.
Day by day we do our best,
Do our work, get our rest.
Enjoy each other and be kind,
Leave sorrow and regret behind.
        This rocky cliff we two can climb
        One rock, one foothold, at a time.

20 junho, 2022

Ditto #516

For me to do well at anything, I have to work harder than other people.

-- Richard Ford

19 junho, 2022

Primavera #161

Após semanas de espera,
aí estão os girassóis: edição 2022

18 junho, 2022

17 junho, 2022

Primavera #160

Arbustos em Coventry
ainda com tanto botão para dar

16 junho, 2022

15 junho, 2022

14 junho, 2022

13 junho, 2022

Coisas que não mudam #599

O dia (da morte) de Santo António (em 1231) é também o dia da morte de António Variações em 1984 e o dia da morte de Álvaro Cunhal em 2005.

12 junho, 2022

Sem título #256

Forced discussions are never great...

11 junho, 2022

Palavras lidas #516

Dark Charms
by Dorianne Laux

Eventually the future shows up everywhere:
those burly summers and unslept nights in deep
lines and dark splotches, thinning skin.
Here's the corner store grown to a condo,
the bike reduced to one spinning wheel,
the ghost of a dog that used to be, her trail
no longer trodden, just a dip in the weeds.
The clear water we drank as thirsty children
still runs through our veins. Stars we saw then
we still see now, only fewer, dimmer, less often.
The old tunes play and continue to move us
in spite of our learning, the wraith of romance,
lost innocence, literature, the death of the poets.
We continue to speak, if only in whispers,
to something inside us that longs to be named.
We name it the past and drag it behind us,
bag like a lung filled with shadow and song,
dreams of running, the keys to lost names.

10 junho, 2022

Ditto #515

Art is not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to shape it.

--Bertolt Brecht

07 junho, 2022

Parece que estou a ouvir #366

Bruce Springsteen

We said we'd walk together
Baby come what may
Back from the twilight
Should we lose our way
And if as we were walking
A hand should slip free
I'll wait for you
Should I fall behind wait for me

Swore we'd travel
Darlin' side by side
We'd help each other
Stay in stride
But each lover's steps fall
So differently
But I'll wait for you
If I should fall behind wait for me

Everyone dreams of
A love lasting and true
Ob but you and I know what this world can do
So let's make our steps be
That the other may see
And I'll wait for you
If I should fall behind wait for me

Ah there's a beautiful river
In the valley ahead
There 'neath the oak's bough
Soon we will be wed
Should we lose each other
In the shadow of the evening dreams
I'll wait for you
Should I fall behind wait for me
Darlin' I'll wait for you
Should I fall behind wait for me

Yeah I'll wait for you
Should I fall behind wait for me
Wait for me

06 junho, 2022

05 junho, 2022

Parece que estou a ouvir #365

All I want is you

You say you want
Diamonds on a ring of gold
You say you want
Your story to remain untold

But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

You say you'll give me
A highway with no one on it
Treasure just to look upon it
All the riches in the night

You say you'll give me
Eyes in a moon of blindness
A river in a time of dryness
A harbor in the tempest

But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

You say you want
Your love to work out right
To last with me through the night

You say you want
Diamonds on a ring of gold
Your story to remain untold
Your love not to grow cold

All the promises we break
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

You all I want is
You all I want is
You all I want is

04 junho, 2022

Foi neste dia #382 (1989)

Passam hoje 33 anos do massacre de Tiananmen. Este ano sem vigílias de velas em Hong Kong onde as manifestações em Victoria Park que tradicionalmente marcam o aniversário na noite de 4 para 5 de Junho são reprimidas desde 2020, à boleia da pandemia que ajudou a passar a contestadíssima lei de segurança nacional. Como se não se falando do assunto ele deixasse de ter acontecido. É isso mesmo que pensam as gerações mais novas que de tal nunca ouviram falar. Como diz a canção Se outros calam cantemos nós... e levanta-se Taiwan.
Victoria Park, Hong Kong, 04.06.2022

It's the 33rd anniversary of the Tiannanmen massacre. This year without candle vigils in Hong Kong where the traditional demonstrations in Victoria Park from the 4th yo the 5th of June have been suppressed since 2020, thanks to the pandemic that helped pass the highly contested law of national security. As if not speaking about the matter would make it not having occurred. That's exactly what the younger generations believe, since they have never heard about it. If others falter, let us speak up... and Taiwan raises.

03 junho, 2022

02 junho, 2022

Palavras lidas #515

Next Year
by Gary Johnson

When we win the lottery next year,
Let’s buy a flat in Paris, France,
And I will worship you, my dear,
In lovely rooms with flowering plants.
Me, a somewhat endearing old relic,
A jowly but still charming man,
And you my darling, rather angelic
Reclining prettily on a silk divan.

When I’m tired and don’t feel well,
Pack me off to a nice hotel
With Egyptian sheets and fresh-cut flowers
And room service is 24 hours.
When I die, which I will do,
Wear black for a month or two,
Then look around, find someone new.

Retirado do contexto #404

Em tempo de Jubileu

01 junho, 2022

Ditto #514

If only I could manage, without annoyance to my family, to get imprisoned for ten years, without hard labour, and with the use of books and writing materials, it would be simply delightful!

--Lewis Carroll