30 setembro, 2021

29 setembro, 2021

Coisas bonitas #81

Girassóis no Jardim Japonês do War Memorial Park em Coventry

28 setembro, 2021

Coisas que não mudam #574

Está aí a época dos cogumelos...
e muitos!

27 setembro, 2021

Espantos #626

Maçãs vermelhas por dentro e extremamente ácidas, raramente comidas cruas e boas para uso culinário como geleias e compotas.
Confirma-se! Mas são tão bonitas...

26 setembro, 2021

Sem título #195

Leopoldstadt, yesterday at the Whyndam Theatre in London
Tom Stoppard's play tells the story of a well to do, and well integrated, extended family of Jews in Vienna from 1899 to 1955 (with scenes in 1899, 1900, 1924, 1938, and 1955). The course of history was not kind to Jews and you see the progression of events to inevitable tragedy. We all know the dark pages of European history of that time, yet the terror of the 1938 scene is vividly chilling, even though some of Stoppard's choices have been generous towards the audience. The 1955 scene is a somber account of painful, erased and revived memories of Holocaust survivors and escapees, who reconstruct their family history, as well as the history of the world where absolutely no country looks good in the picture.

25 setembro, 2021

Palavras lidas #484

by Linda Pastan

it rained in my sleep
and in the morning the fields were wet
I dreamed of artillery
of the thunder of horses
in the morning the fields were strewn
with twigs and leaves
as if after a battle
or a sudden journey
I went to sleep in the summer
I dreamed of rain
in the morning the fields were wet
and it was autumn

24 setembro, 2021

Sem título #194

Dogs... how can we not love them 😊

23 setembro, 2021

22 setembro, 2021

21 setembro, 2021

Palavras lidas #483

This Is How It Will Be
by Barbara Quick

You’d already said goodbye,
but I wasn’t sure you were already gone.

Emerging from the bathroom, I called your name,
wanting to know if you’d read the news item
about the two women who got lost in the woods,
then were rescued and driven to their car,
then drove their car down a boat ramp in the fog,
at the bottom of a dead-end road—
and drowned.

“Honey?” I called, realizing
I was alone in the house.
Realizing that this is how it’ll be,
for one or the other of us, someday:
Something that wants to be shared
will be unheard.

20 setembro, 2021

Ditto #489

Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.

--Ralph Waldo Emerson

19 setembro, 2021

Espantos #625

Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, Canarias, España

18 setembro, 2021

Sem título #193

Cats... and yet we love them 😊

17 setembro, 2021

Caprichos #651

Cat loaf
is said to happen when the cat's paws and tail are tucked below them
what an odd position to relax...

16 setembro, 2021

Coisas bonitas #80

Cores de fim de tarde de Outono,
embora o calendário ainda diga que é Verão

14 setembro, 2021

Coisas bonitas #79

Com sol ou com chuva
lá vai, lá vai

12 setembro, 2021

11 setembro, 2021

Palavras lidas #482

The Underworld
by Sharon Bryan

When I lived in the foothills
birds flocked to the feeder:

house finches, goldfinches,
skyblue lazuli buntings,

impeccably dressed chickadees,
sparrows in work clothes, even

hummingbirds fastforwarding
through the trees. Some of them

disappeared after a week, headed
north, I thought, with the sun.

But the first cool day
they were back, then gone,

then back, more reliable
than weathermen, and I realized

they hadn’t gone north at all,
but up the mountain, as invisible

to me as if they had flown
a thousand miles, yet in reality

just out of sight, out of reach—
maybe at the end of our lives

the world lifts that slightly
away from us, and returns once

or twice to see if we’ve refilled
the feeder, if we still remember it,

or if we’ve taken leave
of our senses altogether.

10 setembro, 2021

Coisas bonitas #77

faltava a begónia laranja 😊

Ditto #488

Insane people are always sure that they are fine. It is only the sane people who are willing to admit that they are crazy.

--Nora Ephron

09 setembro, 2021

Coisas bonitas #76

Fully developed
and let's see if this is the end of the story

08 setembro, 2021

06 setembro, 2021

Sem título #191

The bad side has no cookies...

Coisas bonitas #75

Também no país do pouco sol crescem girassóis,
mas crescem mais quanto há sol!

04 setembro, 2021

Caprichos #648

Gladiolos pela manhã 😊

03 setembro, 2021

Espantos #624

Earlier this week, at the library of the University of Nottingham...
... casually strolling, probably checking out books from the kids section 😂

02 setembro, 2021

Palavras lidas #481

One Summer
by W.S. Merwin

It is hard now to believe that we really
went back that time years ago to the small town
a mile square along the beach and a little more
than a century old where I had been taken
when I was a child and nothing seemed to have changed
not the porches along the quiet streets
nor the faces on the rockers nor the sea smell
from the boardwalk at the end of the block
nor the smells from the cafeteria in a house
like the others along the same sidewalk
nor the hush of the pebbled streets without
cars nor the names of the same few hotels
nor the immense clapboard auditorium
to which my mother had taken me
to a performance of Aida
and you and I walked those streets in a late
youth of our own and along the boardwalk
toward music we heard from the old carousel

01 setembro, 2021

Ditto #487

People who believe in absurdities will eventually commit atrocities.
