02 fevereiro, 2024

Espantos #677

Highlights of President Ramos-Horta's intervention
"... conflicts don't end because one party wins the war, conflicts end because of leaders"

"... to prevent conflict you should never demonise your enemy"

"... there is no safer border in the world today than that of Timor Leste and Indonesia; among Southeast Asian countries these two have the friendliest relationship"

"... President Habibie should also have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize"

"... Xanana Gusmão is the true leader of my country. When we got independence in 2002 he said 'we want reconciliation,' and we all followed"

"... we never wanted an international court in Timor Leste, we wanted reconciliation"

In this day and age, it is refreshing to hear someone who only speaks about peace as (admittedly) frustrating as it may be.

1 comentário:

Atlantico Central disse...

Principalmente quando os ouvintes têm menos paz interior e menos perdão (para os mesmos factos)