29 março, 2009

Saree shopping

I was always amazed by the immense variety of colors in Indian clothing. If you take a random sample of 10 indian women (in India) and compare the color of their clothes to a random sample of 10 European or American women (doesn't really matter) you'll find the first group covers a much wider span of the color spectrum than the second. In special occasions, for instance weddings, the statement is even more true as the second group will probably polarize in darker colors.

All of this because an Indian (and very good) friend of mine is going to a wedding soon and was struggling with the color of saree to buy. When she asked my advice, I frankly did not know what to say because I don't actually have much color variety in my own wardrobe... if anything, there's a tendency towards darker shades. But she deserved a sincere answer, she's a very good friend of mine and if a friend asks you for advice you give it your best.

So here's my thought process: #1 imagine that you can literally choose any color of the spectrum with as many variations as you please; #2 forget your favorite color, your priors on what colors are proper for weddings, your priors on any color, your own skin color, the colors in your own wardrobe; #3 now think that the color you choose will (literally) cover you from head to toe leaving only the arms a few sections of your lower torso out... better be a sexy color! Given 1, 2, and 3, what color would you choose? I closed my eyes and said (that is, wrote on the chat window) turquoise blue. Regardless of her final choice, I was happy that I could provide unbiased advice as I own not a single piece of clothing in that color. She thanked the advice and went saree shopping in Chennai (former Madras).

Today I found her online again and asked what color she ended up buying. The answer was magenta with some brown/golden top. Hmm I hadn't thought of that variation (i.e. that you could choose more than one color), but was happy with her choice! Then I realized I had forgot a very important detail. In my thought process I isolated my own prejudices and biases against and/or for certain colors but I forgot to ask if there were any colors that would not be appropriate at a wedding:

her magenta with a brown/golden blouse
me cool! is there any meaning in the color? For example, does the bride wear a certain color and therefore it would be weird to buy that color to attend a wedding?
her no just that it cannot be black
me hmmm and the meaning of black?
her black is inauspicious

Now there's a word I don't use everyday! Though I have the idea it conveys something vaguely negative, I go check it out at google. The answer is clear: ill, presaging ill fortune. Ahhhh I miss the constant learning opportunity (not just vocabularywise) of hanging out with my Indian friend on a daily basis. 

So this one is for you dear... in English as you like. And I hereby promise I won't wear a black saree at your wedding, whenever that may be... don't do it too late or I won't be able to show my lower torso :-)

4 comentários:

Deepti Goel disse...

you are my shining star :-)

when you come to chennai we shall go saree shopping and you and i will drive the poor shopkeeper crazy...seriously you will go nuts with the choice... hope rita will be there too.

and my darling friend thank you for being YOU. i miss you and am reminded of you so often... you remember i used to say... "reminds me of India"... now i catch myself thinking, "like claudia and I" when i see two girl friends have a ball and getting heads turned.

beijinhos from India

Atlantico Central disse...

I'll always remember you as my indian food adviser :) It all started 5 years ago with a wonderful dinner at your place, when I first met you and you sang in portuguese, I'll always remember that.

Hope to see you soon Deepti.

Atlantico Ocidental disse...

Hey there... glad you have all these plans for my visit. You should work on this husband finding business dear so that we can go saree shopping and get the shopkeeper nuts :-)

I do miss our daily arguments, our espresso outings, our ethnic dinners, and your uncontrollable laughter. One thing makes me very glad: I shared it all with the wonderful person you are!

Now let's stop this emotional business and focus: you on the man hunt, me on the color of my saree :-))) Til we meet again I'll keep watching the world while you sleep and vice-versa... everything is under control!

Deepti Goel disse...

hey u two,
these commentaries bring back bitter sweet memories...
anyway wanted to tell you both that i love the songs you choose and many times it keeps me company... and somehow i do not feel so alone... :-)