26 setembro, 2006

No Times de hoje #6

Ainda a estreia de Madama Butterfly na abertura da época do Met.

Ontem à noite juntaram-se mais de 900 pessoas em Times Square onde a famosa ópera foi transmitida em directo nos gigantescos ecrans da praça, juntamente com o trânsito caótico, o movimento acelerado de pessoas, as luzes dos neons publicitários, etc. Tudo isto a meros 20 blocos a sul do próprio Met no Lincoln Center. Ficam as
fotos (skip the ad), o artigo e um excerto.

Bicyclists and passers-by stopped, seemingly mesmerized by the giant images of “Madama Butterfly” glaring through the night sky over Times Square. About 900 people sat in red-cushioned chairs behind red velvet ropes on Broadway. Neon advertisements for beer and the Internet competed with a tenor and a soprano singing out their passion.

The Metropolitan Opera embarked on a new era with a season-opening gala last night that dripped wealth and celebrity but also included an unprecedented dose of populism: a simulcast in Times Square, where the giant Panasonic, Nasdaq and Reuters screens beamed Puccini’s tale of love and abandonment north to a blocked-off section of Broadway.

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