16 setembro, 2006

No Times de hoje #3

Artigos como este na edição de hoje no New York Times trazem o sentimento de uma cidade de província, onde a morte de um cavalo de charretes turisticas poderia ser notícia... mesmo em Sintra, uma notícia semelhante surpreender-me-ía! Fica o excerto.

"Juliet the carriage horse held forth for about two decades on the south end of Central Park taking tourists on slow romantic rides through the park. She was the cute white horse whose owner outfitted her head with the elegant white tassel that bobbed as she clip-clopped ahead of her carriage on loops from the Plaza Hotel to Tavern on the Green and other prominent spots.

But as elegant as Juliet was in life, she was undeniably inelegant in death on a rainy morning yesterday, lying flat on her back on the dungy concrete floor of a Hell’s Kitchen stable, her legs stiff in the air."

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