08 novembro, 2006

No Times de hoje #12

O NYT de hoje traz um artigo sobre os leilões de Outono e os altos preços que atingem. Em particular fala do leilão de ontem na Sotheby's com a venda de cézanes, matisses e outros, que renderam à casa $238.6 milhões.

Vêm-me à cabeça os klimts, o pollock e ainda uma frase do filme The Inside Man (O Infiltrado) "When there's blood on the streets, buy a property" (quoting Rothschild).

The price (the difference between the money Sotheby's made last night and what it would have made if there was a war in NYC) of not having blood on the streets is quite high, but it's surely worth it... how beautiful it is to see the price of art skyrocket!!

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