13 outubro, 2006

No Times de hoje #9

A explicação do acidente que na quarta feira envolveu o choque de uma avioneta com um prédio em Manhattan, vem hoje no New York Times... agora sim, faz sentido!

"On Wednesday, he [Tyler Stanger, the flight instructor] and Mr. Lidle [the New York Yankees pitcher] were killed when the pitcher’s plane slammed into a 42-story building on the Upper East Side.

If this was Mr. Stanger’s second time up this section of the East River, then Mr. Stanger was traveling with little experience through a patch of urban air that many veteran New York City pilots say they make a point of avoiding.

They say that pilots try to keep from doing what Mr. Lidle’s plane did: turning left sharply between the east and west banks of the river in an attempt to avoid going into La Guardia Airport airspace."

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