17 outubro, 2006

No Times de hoje #10

O artigo "Married and Single Parents Spending More Time With Children, Study Finds" do Times de hoje vem mostrar que o mundo não está tão perdido como por vezes parece: as mães passam hoje tanto tempo com os seus filhos como há quarenta anos atrás. Parece um pouco paradoxal se considerarmos a crescente participação feminina no mercado de trabalho... a chave está nos pais, que passam hoje mais tempo dedicado às tarefas domésticas. Isto não quer dizer que pais e mães dedicam o mesmo tempo às crianças ou às tarefas domésticas :-)

"Despite the surge of women into the work force, mothers are spending at least as much time with their children today as they did 40 years ago, and the amount of child care and housework performed by fathers has sharply increased, researchers say in a new study, based on analysis of thousands of personal diaries.

'We might have expected mothers to curtail the time spent caring for their children, but they do not seem to have done so,' said one of the researchers, Suzanne M. Bianchi, chairwoman of the department of sociology at the University of Maryland. 'They certainly did curtail the time they spent on housework.'

The researchers found that 'women still do twice as much housework and child care as men' in two-parent families. But they said that total hours of work by mothers and fathers were roughly equal, when they counted paid and unpaid work."

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