The little details involving Japanese food
30 julho, 2018
29 julho, 2018
Palavras lidas #387
Wolf's Trees
by J.D. McClachy
If trees fall in a wood and no one hears them,
Do they exist except as a page of lines
That words of rapture or grief are written on?
They are lines too while alive, pointing away
From the primer of damped air and leafmold
That underlie, or would if certain of them
Were not melon or maize, solferino or smoke,
Colors into which a sunset will collapse
On a high branch of broken promises.
Or they nail the late summer’s shingles of noon
Back onto the horizon’s overlap, reflecting
An emptiness visible on leaves that come and go.
How does a life flash before one’s eyes
At the end? How is there time for so much time?
You pick up the book and hold it, knowing
Long since the failed romance, the strained
Marriage, the messenger, the mistake,
Knowing it all at once, as if looking through
A lighted dormer on the dark crest of a barn.
You know who is inside, and who has always been
At the other edge of the wood. She is waiting
For no one in particular. It could be you.
If you can discover which tree she has become,
You will know whether it has all been true.
for Wolf Kahn
by J.D. McClachy
If trees fall in a wood and no one hears them,
Do they exist except as a page of lines
That words of rapture or grief are written on?
They are lines too while alive, pointing away
From the primer of damped air and leafmold
That underlie, or would if certain of them
Were not melon or maize, solferino or smoke,
Colors into which a sunset will collapse
On a high branch of broken promises.
Or they nail the late summer’s shingles of noon
Back onto the horizon’s overlap, reflecting
An emptiness visible on leaves that come and go.
How does a life flash before one’s eyes
At the end? How is there time for so much time?
You pick up the book and hold it, knowing
Long since the failed romance, the strained
Marriage, the messenger, the mistake,
Knowing it all at once, as if looking through
A lighted dormer on the dark crest of a barn.
You know who is inside, and who has always been
At the other edge of the wood. She is waiting
For no one in particular. It could be you.
If you can discover which tree she has become,
You will know whether it has all been true.
for Wolf Kahn
Palavras lidas,
28 julho, 2018
Coisas que não mudam #458
Euro-American differences are very visible on a ham sandwich.
Diferenças entre a Europa e a América, bem evidentes numa simples sandes de fiambre.
Coisas que não mudam,
27 julho, 2018
Caprichos #486
26 julho, 2018
Numa sala perto de mim #380
First Reformed (2017) provides a disturbing account of depression from the inside, with careful insights on current events such as climate change, radicalization, and faith. In my view, the unconvincing ending puts the movie at odds with the buildup it constructs throughout. Mostly, I found it overrated by the usual critics... a reminder that such movie scores are less worthy than they claim, at least to me.
25 julho, 2018
24 julho, 2018
23 julho, 2018
No Times de hoje #186
Today's New York Times brings an article on Portugal's turned page on austerity that draws some parallels to an article in The Economist back in April on the political balance in Portugal's current socialist government.
Both articles puzzle at the "magic" Portugal's PM is pulling off: dropping austerity measures after an IMF bailout, and maintaining a stable government after coming second in the last election. There is no magic here. Neither austerity has been abandoned, nor coming first would necessarily make a difference. António Costa's clever strike consists on relabeling austerity (carefully choosing measures that keep voters happy, but maintaining cash limitations that are less transparent to outsiders), and exploring the tiny space of the political spectrum where the far lefts worry that the right will take over and the right is afraid the far left parties will take their way.
So far so good. Let's see how the situation evolves, with elections coming up next year and the IMF's warning of increased external risk.
22 julho, 2018
21 julho, 2018
Coisas que não mudam #455
De volta à Serra da Estrela
não me canso da paisagem agreste,
onde a altitude mantém a vegetação necessariamente baixa
e as pedras condizem com o restante cenário de pouca vida.
Os vales em U mostram bem a origem glaciar da região.
Coisas que não mudam,
20 julho, 2018
19 julho, 2018
Pedaços de Veneza #6
A antiga grandiosidade de Veneza percebe-se pelo símbolo do leão alado, que se vê um pouco por todo o lado, a começar pela bandeira,
em painéis esculpidos nas ruas
ou nos palácios,
nas pinturas,
ou na fachada da catedral de São Marcos.
A grandiosidade de outros tempos, contrasta com a impraticabilidade da cidade. Que a cidade impraticável continuasse enquanto controlava as rotas de comércio mundiais compreende-se, assim como o longo declínio de alguns séculos. Mas que não tenha sido subsequentemente abandonada, custa a entender. É que nada funciona eficientemente na cidade que alaga cada vez que a maré alta coincide com a chuva, já para não falar do afundamento progressivo (embora lento) de toda a estrutura que suporta os edifícios da cidade. Receitas do turismo e doações de todo o mundo para restauros de vários edifícios mantêm a cidade em pé... se calhar até sempre. Dá que pensar!
18 julho, 2018
Pedaços do Porto Santo
que não se sabe onde nasceu mas viveu de certeza no Porto Santo,
9 km de praia,
de longe o maior atractivo do Porto Santo,
esculturas naturais que parecem coisas diferentes
conforme a perspectiva
e águas amenas;
a origem vulcânica da ilha esta bem presente
mas a paisagem é predominantemente árida,
mas com flores, muitas flores.
17 julho, 2018
Coisas que não mudam #454
A "fugir de Lisboa" para o sol da Caparica
Coisas que não mudam,
16 julho, 2018
15 julho, 2018
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