09 dezembro, 2006

No Times de hoje # 19

Robert Mugabe está à frente do país das cataratas Victoria desde 1980, ano em que foi eleito (!) Primeiro-ministro. O país está há vários anos submetido a sanções internacionais, devido à má governação e à constante violação de direitos humanos. A população é uma das mais flageladas internacionalmente (do they know it's christmas?), mas Mugabe, com 82 anos, está longe de pagar pelo que fez e faz no Zimbabwe. Mais um a juntar à lista de Pinochet...

Ora aí está mais um exemplo de um país que certamente não merece o líder que tem. No Times de hoje vem um pequeno editorial relatando a dramática situação do país. Segue na íntegra.

The Agonies of Zimbabwe

Published: December 9, 2006

One problem with labeling states as pariahs is that it’s all too easy to forget about them. Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe is a prime example: it is under economic sanctions by the United States and the European Union and few tourists go there, so the suffering of its people is largely out of sight and out of mind. Yet things are truly terrible.

The latest indication comes in a United Nations-financed report by Zimbabwe’s own social welfare ministry. More than 63 percent of the rural population, and 53 percent of the urban population, couldn’t meet "basic food and non-food requirements" in 2003, the last year for which figures were available, and things have gotten far worse since. Malnutrition among children is up 35 percent, people without access to health care is up 35 percent, H.I.V./AIDS afflicts 18.1 percent of the population, unemployment is over 70 percent, life expectancy is down to 36.

Mr. Mugabe’s government blames sanctions, weather, former colonial rule, market conditions. Yet the real culprit is Mr. Mugabe, who has run Zimbabwe since 1980. Now 82, the president is a master at the blame game, accusing the West of colonialism and racism when it criticizes his scheme to redistribute white-owned commercial farms among blacks, or the cruel expulsion of 750,000 slum dwellers from cities, or whatever else he does.

There’s not much the West can do; more sanctions would only bring more suffering. But Africans could make a difference, if they joined in condemning Mr. Mugabe. For understandable reasons, African leaders have been reluctant to publicly criticize fellow Africans. But as Kofi Annan, the United Nations secretary general, declared yesterday, “human rights are perhaps more in need of protection in Africa than in any other continent.”

The suffering Zimbabwean people are in desperate need of protection, the sooner the better.

2 comentários:

Atlantico Central disse...

Era bom saber o que de 82 para cá foi feito pelo país que o não merece!!
O líder político sufragado pelo povo, quando o é, legítimo.

Atlantico Central disse...

rectifico: "O líder político sufragado pelo povo, quando o é, é legítimo".