11 setembro, 2009

No Times de hoje #103

When I think about this day eight years ago, I still find ideas and feelings that are hard to articulate in inteligible form. It's pointless to recall what I did that day due to the lack of relevance, but living in New York at the time made me realize symultaneously the worst and the best in people and that was perhaps my life's most challenging experience.

Today the Times has two brief articles related to the issue. One brings the views of 9/11/01 by five article contributors who express their healing/coping processes in a way only professional writers can, making the reader connect sometimes too closely to the written words... stuck in my head the sentence YOU ARE ALIVE. The other, touches the issue somewhat tangentially with a long run perspective of spacial regeneration that links the tragic events of 9/11/01 and the arrival of Henry Hudson in Manhattan on 9/12 exactly 400 years ago. Always useful to put things in perspective.

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