02 abril, 2018

No Times de hoje #182

Today's New York Times brings and obituary article on Johan van Hulst, a Dutchman who in 1943 helped save 600 Jewish children in Amsterdam from certain death in Nazi concentration camps. The remarkable action of van Hulst, for which he is and will be remembered, was for him not a motive of heroism at all... it so happens with kind and conscientious minds.

Mr. van Hulst was interviewed frequently about his wartime activities but was modest in assessing them.

“I was at the center of a particular activity,” he told the Dutch newspaper Het Parool two years ago. “It’s not about me. I don’t want to put myself in the foreground or play Resistance hero. All I really think about is the things I couldn’t do — the few thousand children I wasn’t able to save.”

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