06 fevereiro, 2016

Numa sala perto de mim #329

And here they are again! This year the oscar nominated short movies in the category of live action are all excellent. You pick one, only to change your mind after you see the other. Heavy or light, each movie focuses on different aspects of various life, leaving a mark on the viewer who perceives the lives of the main characters will never be the same again.

1) Ave Maria assembles an uncommon set of characters: a family of devout Jews on a shabbat and a small community of nuns with a vow of silence in Palestinian territory. (France, Germany, Palestine)
2) Shok brings back childhood memories from a time of undeclared war in the Balcans. (Kosovo, UK)
3) Everything Will Be Okay puts yet another child at the center of an undeclared dispute between divorced parents. (Germany, Austria)
4) Stutterer, with the endearing story of online dating soon to move offline with its joys, risks, and perils. (Ireland)
5) Day One shows the first day of work of an American-Afghan interpreter in Afghanistan, memorable for many motives, and also the first day of work in her life. (USA)

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