30 setembro, 2019

Espantos #593

colourful sunrise, auspicious day
nascer do sol colorido, próspero dia

29 setembro, 2019

Palavras lidas #432

Joyce Kilmer

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

28 setembro, 2019

27 setembro, 2019

Coisas que não mudam #522

Eleições em Portugal
boletim de voto no correio

26 setembro, 2019

Coisas que não mudam #521

Lunch at an English pub
fish & chips, meat pie
and an ale

25 setembro, 2019

Parece que estou a ouvir #296


Tu és a estrela que guia o meu coração
Tu és a estrela que iluminou meu chão
És o sinal de que eu conduzo o destino
Tu és a estrela e eu sou o peregrino

Até aqui foi uma escuridão tão
Dessas que nos faz ser sábios do mundo
Vivi desilusão tão desigual
Que vim dar a minha infância num segundo

Nem sabes tu aquilo que fizeste
Por mim, até por ti quando chegaste
Só sei que ao te ver tu reergueste
O que em mim era só cinza e desgaste

Tu és a estrela que guia o meu coração
Tu és a estrela que iluminou meu chão
És o sinal de que eu conduzo o destino
Tu és a estrela e eu sou o peregrino

Amor que cedeu, mas numa distância
Distância que nos fez acreditar
Que é essa que dá a real importância
À liberdade que é poder e saber amar

Bem mais feliz agora certamente
Vou eu seguindo assim pela vida fora
Não mais estarei sozinha, estou bem crente
Que o teu feixe de luz própria me segue agora

Tu és a estrela que guia o meu coração
Tu és a estrela que iluminou meu chão
És o sinal de que eu conduzo o destino
Tu és a estrela e eu sou o peregrino
Tu és a estrela e eu sou o peregrino

24 setembro, 2019

Numa sala perto de mim #413

Pulp Fiction (1994), set in Los Angeles, tells three stories revolving around violent criminal activity. Told in exaggerated form and accompanied by gory, crude, and comedic details, the movie at times reaches the point of ridicule... in a style I don't really appreciate.

At 25 years old, Pulp Fiction is widely acknowledged as a classic. I don't like Quentin Tarantino, so I never really longed to watch any of his movies. I knew a few of the iconic passages in this movie, and of course the masterful soundtrack, but not the plot details. The continuous shooting technique and the non-chronological order, actually magnify the impact of some scenes that miraculously all tie up in the end. Even though I don't appreciate the style, I recognize a stroke of genius, despite the madness and gratuitous violence.

After withstanding the first thirty minutes, the movie grew on me and I can unashamedly say that it's worthy beyond the dance scene, which is, on its own, rather remarkable. And no one, NO ONE, dances like John Travolta... an(other) actor that I don't much care for, but boy does he put on a show there... too bad that in that memorable passage the camera focuses more on Uma Thurman than on him.

23 setembro, 2019

Foi neste dia #342 (1919)

100 anos de rapazes da praia
Parabéns Belenenses!

22 setembro, 2019

Numa sala perto de mim #412

Downton Abbey (2019) in all its splendor. Great story line, familiar characters and personalities, witty lines, over the top luxury and plotting. They've done everything right, including leaving some hints for a possible follow up. One may wonder how long can the cow be milked. I say, so long as the American audience remains interested. I guess it's much more of a big deal in the US than in Britain... there were about ten people, maybe less, in the early showing yesterday.

21 setembro, 2019

20 setembro, 2019

Palavras lidas #431

by Billy Collins

When it’s late at night and branches
are banging against the windows,
you might think that love is just a matter

of leaping out of the frying pan of yourself
into the fire of someone else,
but it’s a little more complicated than that.

It’s more like trading the two birds
who might be hiding in that bush
for the one you are not holding in your hand.

A wise man once said that love
was like forcing a horse to drink
but then everyone stopped thinking of him as wise.

Let us be clear about something.
Love is not as simple as getting up
on the wrong side of the bed wearing the emperor’s clothes.

No, it’s more like the way the pen
feels after it has defeated the sword.
It’s a little like the penny saved or the nine dropped

You look at me through the halo of the last candle
and tell me love is an ill wind
that has no turning, a road that blows no good,

but I am here to remind you,
as our shadows tremble on the walls,
that love is the early bird who is better late than never.

19 setembro, 2019

Espantos #592

Today. Cloudless, yellow.
Hoje. Sem nuvens, amarelo.

18 setembro, 2019

Espantos #591

Pink tinted clouds at sunset... could be sunrise
Nuvens em tons de rosa ao pôr-do-sol... podia ser ao raiar

17 setembro, 2019

Numa sala perto de mim #411

Stockholm (2018) based on the true story of the 1973 bank heist in Stockholm where the hostages developed sympathies for their captors. The episode coined the term Stockholm syndrome. Hard to believe it took 45 years to make the movie.

16 setembro, 2019

Numa sala perto de mim #410

Rojo (2018) set in 1975 Argentina and centered around the existence of a small town influential lawyer. He leads a comfortable life, receiving occasional bribes for advice on how to circumvent the law, and turning a blind eye on the limitations of civil liberties typical of an authoritarian regime. Though his livelihood is never in danger, the mere threat that it can be gives him a little taste of what it is to live like the oppressed, which is genuinely terrifying. 

The acting is good but the slow pace of the movie makes it less powerful than it could be.

15 setembro, 2019

Ditto #418

Truth always rests with the minority… because the minority is generally formed by those who really have an opinion, while the strength of a majority is illusory, formed by the gangs who have no opinion.

--Søren Kirkegaard

14 setembro, 2019

Palavras lidas #430

For the Child’s Mole
Geffrey Davis

we won’t tell you where it lies, as in time
we might need the minor intimacy
of that secret. just creatures, heavy with hope
& begging against the grave song inside
our living, we have agreed his death is
the one cold chord we refuse to endure

from the sorry endlessness of the blues.
& if ever we fail to bear the rate at which
we feel the world pining for the body
of our boy, we can conjure that mole—the small
brown presence of it tucked where only tenderness
would think to look—& recall when it seemed

nothing about our child could drift beyond
the terrible certainty of love’s reach.

13 setembro, 2019

Espantos #590

Depois de 14 horas de viagem entre Coventry a Atlanta,
apreciar a vista do 47º andar
e o cair da noite
em nada, NADA, se comparam ao nascer do sol do dia seguinte,
vermelho como um morango!

12 setembro, 2019

Coisas que não mudam #520

Snacks de avião mudam com o tipo de voo e companhia aérea:
KLM, 50 minutos BHX-AMS, pequeno almoço;
Deta, 9 horas e 9 minutos AMS-ATL, lanche antes de aterrar.

Sem título #103

No Aeroporto de Schiphol encontrei: mais nomes de cerveja engraçados
a raiar a mitologia nórdica com valquírias e guerreiros coloridos;
mas encontrei também um chocolate que deveria ter outro nome...

Caprichos #559

I like early morning flights:
color contrasts are stronger,
today, the higher clouds allowed a view of the entire campus,
nothing beats the orange tinge of the early rising sun,
clouds like to sit on top of islands,
in a short 50 min flight the descend occurs soon after max altitude
barging into Dutch wind farms in the sea,
the coast is quite different from the UK's that is now behind
and so is the water-ish landscape

09 setembro, 2019

Caprichos #558

A proper Rolf picture
with cheshire cat slippers

08 setembro, 2019

07 setembro, 2019

Coisas que não mudam #519

The moment you drop your head and forget your troubles

06 setembro, 2019

Coisas que não mudam #518

Como toda a gente, também os ditadores se vão embora. Hoje foi Mugabe o já afastado líder histórico do Zimbabué, que morreu em Singapura. À semelhança de Mandela, Mugabe também esteve preso durante o regime colonial, mas contrariamente àquele tornou-se um líder absoluto na luta por um sistema de partido único que deixou o Zimbabué mais pobre e perenemente à beira da rotura

Para além de ter morrido sem assumir culpa ou pretar contas, choca ainda o que diz sobre Mugabe o actual presidente do Zimbabué que há dois anos esteve por trás do seu afastamento sem alarde:

"Cde Mugabe was an icon of liberation, a pan-Africanist who dedicated his life to the emancipation and empowerment of his people. His contribution to the history of our nation and continent will never be forgotten. May his soul rest in eternal peace"

Significa isto que no Zimbabué, mudam as moscas.

05 setembro, 2019

Foi neste dia #341 (1774)

245 years ago, Philadelphia became the first capital of the yet to be proclaimed United States of America, upon the first meeting of the Continental Congress, initially a convention of delegates of the Thirteen Colonies.

04 setembro, 2019

Retirado do contexto #269

Quantos são eles? Quantos são eles?