14 dezembro, 2011

Parece que estou a ouvir #123

Myths inside one's head do not die easily. For some reason, which I cannot precisely identify, I thought that in California (at least Southern California, i.e. LA and below) it was summer all year round. Over the three days I spent south of Los Angeles last weekend, it was not super cold but it was mildly cold, with high temperatures in the upper 50s to mid 60s (that is ~13-18C, a pleasant winter day in Lisbon).

Upon arrival, embarrassed locals felt compelled to apologize outsiders for the cold weather so unusual this time of the year. With no exception, we all replied that it was much warmer than where we came from and that we were very pleased not to need a jacket outside! Though the weather was much warmer than in middle Tennessee (or worse, New England), I couldn't help but feeling a little disappointed. The myth was gone and with it all the idealized versions of southern CA life... nothing much but enough to make a Portuguese girl nostalgic. The almost 40-year-old (!) song from Albert Hammond came to mind even though it didn't pour. Nor did it rain. On the contrary, those were beautiful sunny days. But the winter sun gives you little warmth, as in Simone's song.

On a more positive note, when I checked-in at the hotel I was handed a welcome note with the logistic details of the conference, as well as the complimentary hotel services and amenities. Among the latter, there were "two outdoor heated pools and whirlpool spas open until 10pm." Sure enough there were plenty of people enjoying the warm pool on Saturday night... if only I had brought my bathing suit! After all, there was a glimpse of the mythical life of southern Cal!

It Never Rains in Southern California
Albert Hammond

Got on board a west-bound 747
Didn't think before deciding what to do
All that talk of opportunities,
TV breaks and movies
Rang true, sure rang true.

Seems it never rain in Southern California
Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before

It never rains in California
But girl, don't they warn ya
It pours, man it pours.

Out of work, I'm out of my head
Out of self respect I'm out of bread
I'm under loved I'm under fed
I wanna go home

It never rains in California
But girl don't they warn ya, it pours, man it pours.

Will you tell the folks back home I nearly made it?
Had offers but don't know which one to take
Please don't tell 'em how you found me
Don't tell 'em how you found me
Gimme a break
Give me a break

Seems it never rains in Southern California
Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before

It never rains in California
But girl, don't they warn ya
It pours... man it pours!

Sol de Inverno
Simone de Oliveira

Sabe Deus que eu quis contigo ser feliz
Viver ao sol do teu olhar mais terno
Morto o teu desejo, vivo o meu desejo
Primavera em flor ao sol de Inverno

Sonhos que sonhei, onde estão?
- Horas que vivi, quem as tem?
De que serve ter coração
e não ter o amor de ninguém?
Beijos que te dei, onde estão?
- A quem foste dar o que é meu?
Vale mais não ter coração
do que ter e não ter, como eu

Eu em troca de nada dei tudo na vida
Bandeira vencida, rasgada no chão
Sou a data esquecida,
a coisa perdida, que vai a leilão

Sonhos que sonhei, onde estão?
- Horas que vivi, quem as tem?
De que serve ter coração
e não ter o amor de ninguém?
Vivo de saudades, amor,
a vida perdeu fulgor
Como o sol de Inverno não tenho calor

De que serve ter coração
e não ter o amor de ninguém?
Vivo de saudades, amor,
a vida perdeu fulgor
Como o sol de Inverno não tenho calor

2 comentários:

Tania disse...

Oh amiga! so tu e' que vais a' Ca e nao levas fato de banho! ;)))e como sempre gostei mto de ler o teu blog :)

Deepti Goel disse...

you should write a line by line translation of simone's song