20 maio, 2023

Numa sala perto de mim #444

Richard III - The king under the car park, with Mathew Morris (2021) is more of a documentary than a movie. It actually looks like a lot more like a recorded lecture by Professor Mathew Morris, archeologist at the University of Leicester, who headed the excavation project leading to the finding of the remains of king Richard III in 2012. The video gives a clear perspective of what research is, with the painstaking process of gathering and validating evidence starting from an initial theory. But nothing can get to that stage without the impetus (the hunch) that sets research on its path.

The difference between this video and the fictionalised story in The Lost King (2022) is the distance between the initial hunch and science. In my view, both are complementary.

Te lives of current royalty do not even come close to those of the past, marking literature and movies alike :-)

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