Há 129 anos nasciam em Cabanas de Viriato, distrito de Viseu, César e Aristides de Sousa Mendes. César (à esquerda) nasceu poucos minutos antes da meia noite no dia 18 de Julho e Aristides (à direita) nasceu poucos minutos depois, já no dia 19. Ambos foram diplomatas, mas apenas um ficou na história pelo seu heróico, e para si trágico, acto de desobediência.
César and Aristides de Sousa Mendes were born 129 years ago in Cabanas de Viriato, in the district of Viseu (central Portugal). César (left) was born a few minutes before midnight on July 18 while Aristides (right) was born a few minutes after already on the 19th. They both served as diplomats, but only one of them made history due to his heroic, and for him tragic, act of disobedience.
César and Aristides de Sousa Mendes were born 129 years ago in Cabanas de Viriato, in the district of Viseu (central Portugal). César (left) was born a few minutes before midnight on July 18 while Aristides (right) was born a few minutes after already on the 19th. They both served as diplomats, but only one of them made history due to his heroic, and for him tragic, act of disobedience.
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