Monte dei Cappuccini, Torino
30 novembro, 2020
28 novembro, 2020
25 novembro, 2020
24 novembro, 2020
23 novembro, 2020
22 novembro, 2020
21 novembro, 2020
Palavras lidas #450
In A Cafe
by Gary Johnson
When Love is lost, the laughter’s good and gone,
The sun sinks down, the heavy fog rolls in,
Nothing is left to say and you know that no good
Will ever come of this,
Life will never again be miraculous.
Tall dark woman in the café, I see
How the tears glitter in your blue eyes.
You drink black coffee for bravery
And weep onto the front page of the Times.
I had a love once too who now is gone, is
gone, she’s gone. The waves roll along
The coast, the sweet summer rain blows in.
If I knew you, I’d sit by your side and sing:
This world is not our home, we’re only passing through.
by Gary Johnson
When Love is lost, the laughter’s good and gone,
The sun sinks down, the heavy fog rolls in,
Nothing is left to say and you know that no good
Will ever come of this,
Life will never again be miraculous.
Tall dark woman in the café, I see
How the tears glitter in your blue eyes.
You drink black coffee for bravery
And weep onto the front page of the Times.
I had a love once too who now is gone, is
gone, she’s gone. The waves roll along
The coast, the sweet summer rain blows in.
If I knew you, I’d sit by your side and sing:
This world is not our home, we’re only passing through.
Palavras lidas,
20 novembro, 2020
Ditto #459
What is life but a series of inspired follies? The difficulty is to find them to do. Never lose a chance: it doesn’t come every day.
--George Bernard Shaw
--George Bernard Shaw
19 novembro, 2020
18 novembro, 2020
17 novembro, 2020
15 novembro, 2020
Parece que estou a ouvir #320
Il Tuo popolo in cammino,
cerca in Te la guida,
sulla strada verso il Regno,
Sei sostegno col Tuo Corpo.
Resta sempre con noi, o Signore.
E' il Tuo pane Gesù che ci dà forza
e rende più sicuro il nostro passo,
se il vigore del cammino si svilisce,
la Tua mano dona lieta la speranza.
Il Tuo popolo in cammino...
E' il Tuo vino Gesù che ci disseta,
e sveglia in noi l'ardore di seguirti;
se la gioia cede il passo alla stanchezza,
la Tua voce fa rinascere freschezza.
Il Tuo popolo in cammino...
E' il Tuo corpo Gesù che ci fa Chiesa
fratelli sulle strade della vita
se il rancore toglie luce all'amicizia,
dal Tuo Cuore nasce giovane il perdono.
Il Tuo popolo in cammino...
E' il Tuo sangue Gesù il segno eterno,
dell'unico linguaggio dell'amore;
se il donarsi come te richiede Fede,
nel Tuo Spirito sfidiamo l'incertezza.
cerca in Te la guida,
sulla strada verso il Regno,
Sei sostegno col Tuo Corpo.
Resta sempre con noi, o Signore.
E' il Tuo pane Gesù che ci dà forza
e rende più sicuro il nostro passo,
se il vigore del cammino si svilisce,
la Tua mano dona lieta la speranza.
Il Tuo popolo in cammino...
E' il Tuo vino Gesù che ci disseta,
e sveglia in noi l'ardore di seguirti;
se la gioia cede il passo alla stanchezza,
la Tua voce fa rinascere freschezza.
Il Tuo popolo in cammino...
E' il Tuo corpo Gesù che ci fa Chiesa
fratelli sulle strade della vita
se il rancore toglie luce all'amicizia,
dal Tuo Cuore nasce giovane il perdono.
Il Tuo popolo in cammino...
E' il Tuo sangue Gesù il segno eterno,
dell'unico linguaggio dell'amore;
se il donarsi come te richiede Fede,
nel Tuo Spirito sfidiamo l'incertezza.
Il Tuo popolo in cammino...
Coisas que mudaram #10
Missa celebrada pelo papa no Vaticano esta manhã,
seguida da oração do Angelus na praça de São Pedro.
13 novembro, 2020
12 novembro, 2020
11 novembro, 2020
Palavras lidas #449
Listening for Your Name
by David Graham
As a father steals into his child’s half-lit bedroom
slowly, quietly, standing long and long
counting the breaths before finally slipping
back out, taking care not to wake her,
and as that night-lit child is fully awake the whole
time, with closed eyes, measured breathing,
savoring a delicious blessing she couldn’t
name but will remember her whole life,
how often we feel we’re being watched over,
or that we’re secretly looking in on the ones
we love, even when they are far away,
or even as they are lost in the sleep
no one wakes from—what we know
and what we feel can fully coincide, like love
and worry, like taking care in full silence
and secrecy, like darkness and light together.
by David Graham
As a father steals into his child’s half-lit bedroom
slowly, quietly, standing long and long
counting the breaths before finally slipping
back out, taking care not to wake her,
and as that night-lit child is fully awake the whole
time, with closed eyes, measured breathing,
savoring a delicious blessing she couldn’t
name but will remember her whole life,
how often we feel we’re being watched over,
or that we’re secretly looking in on the ones
we love, even when they are far away,
or even as they are lost in the sleep
no one wakes from—what we know
and what we feel can fully coincide, like love
and worry, like taking care in full silence
and secrecy, like darkness and light together.
Palavras lidas,
10 novembro, 2020
Foi neste dia #368 (1938)
Nesta manhã há 82 anos, a Austria e a Alemanha Nazi acordavam com os destroços da noite de violência da kristallnacht que destruiu e pilhou casas e lojas judaicas e também sinagogas, perante a complacência das autoridades.
82 years ago this morning, Austria and Nazi Germany woke up to deal with the remains of the violence of kristallnacht which saw the destruction and pillage of Jewish homes, synagogues, and businesses under the complacency of the authorities.
08 novembro, 2020
Coisas que não mudam #559
Poppies on Remembrance Sunday
Aqueles dias,
Coisas que não mudam,
06 novembro, 2020
05 novembro, 2020
Coisas que não mudam #558
Um gato quer aquilo que quer, mas às vezes não pode ser...
Reparei um dia destes que o Rolf encontrou um novo divertimento cá em casa... só dei por isso à noite depois de ele se ter ido embora. No dia seguinte tomei precauções que o impediram de levar a cabo o seu objectivo, mas que não o impediram de tentar afincadamente.
Quando desistiu o olhar de reprovação era evidente: "não me deixas divertir!"
Coisas que não mudam,
04 novembro, 2020
03 novembro, 2020
Foi neste dia #367 (1957)
She was about three years old, her name was Laika and 63 years ago she was launched into space in the Sputnik 2 mission to determine if a living animal could survive the launch. It was fully understood the capsule would not return to earth in one piece, so Laika's fate was clear from the start.
02 novembro, 2020
Palavras lidas #448
The Missing Thing
By Joel Brouwer
He rose before her every morning
to walk three rainy February blocks
to the best and cheapest boulangerie.
Our secret, they said, and didn't tell friends.
Bonjour Madame, bonjour Monsieur,
une baguette s'il vous plaît, oui Monsieur,
merci Madame, merci Monsieur.
The spell had to be pronounced perfectly
to accomplish the magic. By the time
he returned, she had everything ready,
the jam pots and butter, bowls of coffee.
Her skin still lustrous with sleep as she turned
toward him. He kissed her with his coat on, she
gleaming with heat, he with cold. I'm only
missing one thing, she said. Indicating
the black plastic basket on the table.
By Joel Brouwer
He rose before her every morning
to walk three rainy February blocks
to the best and cheapest boulangerie.
Our secret, they said, and didn't tell friends.
Bonjour Madame, bonjour Monsieur,
une baguette s'il vous plaît, oui Monsieur,
merci Madame, merci Monsieur.
The spell had to be pronounced perfectly
to accomplish the magic. By the time
he returned, she had everything ready,
the jam pots and butter, bowls of coffee.
Her skin still lustrous with sleep as she turned
toward him. He kissed her with his coat on, she
gleaming with heat, he with cold. I'm only
missing one thing, she said. Indicating
the black plastic basket on the table.
Palavras lidas,
01 novembro, 2020
Foi neste dia #366 (1952)
Há 68 anos desaparecia a pequena Ilha de Elugelab, no Atol de Enewetak das Ilhas Marshall, devido ao teste nuclear que fez explodir a primeira bomba de hidrogénio (Ivy Mike). A cratera gerada pela explosão tem 2 km de diâmetro e 55 m de profundidade e é bem visível na imagem de satélite deste atol do Pacifico.
Ditto #457
Bad luck for the young poet would be a rich father, an early marriage, an early success or the ability to do anything well.
--Charles Bukowski
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