30 setembro, 2020

29 setembro, 2020

Coisas bonitas #48

And how beautiful they are / E lindas que são

28 setembro, 2020

Foi neste dia #364 (1066)

954 years ago, William the Duke of Normandy (later known as William the Conqueror) landed in Southeast England starting the Norman Invasion. Apparently a standard question in the "Live in the UK" test for people applying to resident or citizen status is When was this country last invaded. The option to choose is 1066!
Há 954, William duque da Normandia (conhecido na história como o conquistador) chegou ao sudeste da Inglaterra começando a Invasão Normanda. Soube há pouco que uma das questões no teste "Viver no Reino Unido" para potenciais residentes ou cidadãos é Quando é que este país foi invadido pela última vez? A resposta a seleccionar é 1066!

27 setembro, 2020

25 setembro, 2020

22 setembro, 2020

21 setembro, 2020

Pormenores #162

The joys of a bee / Alegrias de uma abelha

Palavras lidas #474

From The Writer's Almanac today:

On this day in 1897, the world’s most famous, most reprinted newspaper editorial was published. Commonly known as the “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus” column, the 416-word article replied to a letter from an eight-year-old New York City girl whose father deferred her question — “Is there a Santa Claus?” — by suggesting she ask the New York Sun. She did so, and on September 20 an editor at the paper handed it to reporter Francis Pharcellus Church with the request that he respond in the following day’s paper.

Church was a veteran newspaperman, having served as a war correspondent for The New York Times during the Civil War, and he was the son of the founder of the New York Chronicle. He dashed off his answer to little Virginia O’Hanlon anonymously, saying, “He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist and you know that they abound and give your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS.”

Virginia grew up at 115 W. 95th Street and she grew up to be a New York City schoolteacher, principal, and activist for children’s rights. As for Francis Church, the author of the editorial that has been translated into 20 languages in hundreds of other papers, books, movies, even postage stamps, because traditions holds that editorials are the “official” voice of the newspaper as a whole and not one singular opinion, he never received any recognition, let alone royalties, for his inspirational editorial. It was only after his death seven years later that Church was credited with its authorship.

Palavras lidas #473

by Ron Padgett

The older I get, the more I like hugging. When I was little, the people hugging me were much larger. In their grasp I was a rag doll. In adolescence, my body was too tense to relax for a hug. Later, after the loss of virginity—which was anything but a loss—the extreme proximity of the other person, the smell of hair, the warmth of the skin, the sound of breathing in the dark—these were mysterious and delectable. This hug had two primary components: the anticipation of sex and the pleasure of intimacy, which itself is a combination of trust and affection. It was this latter combination that came to characterize the hugging I have experienced only in recent years, a hugging that knows no distinctions of gender or age. When this kind of hug is mutual, for a moment the world is perfect the way it is, and the tears we shed for it are perfect too. I guess it is an embrace.

20 setembro, 2020

Ditto #453

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

--Victor Hugo

19 setembro, 2020

18 setembro, 2020

Sem título #131

Summer in England is restricted to the little guy at the end...

16 setembro, 2020

Caprichos #612

 Dim sum at home... who would have thought!

15 setembro, 2020

Caprichos #611

Tesco's "perfectly imperfect" strawberries are
smaller, ripe and delicious... just perfect!

14 setembro, 2020

Cores de Outono #71

Another reminder that fall is already here
Outro lembrete que o outono já aqui está

13 setembro, 2020

Espantos #607

 Cat on a leash / Gato pela trela

12 setembro, 2020

Sem título #130

Everyone needs to hear this sometimes...

11 setembro, 2020

Palavras lidas #472

The Fairly Passionate Shepherd to His Love
by George Bilgere

Come live with me and be my unconditional love.
My feelings for you are unconditional.

The way I felt about those women in the past—
even Jill Davis—those feelings were conditional,
obviously. Otherwise, things would have worked out;
I’d still be with them, or at least one of them, right?

The condition with Jill was “let’s get married.”
I could overlook that for a while,
but in the long run it was a deal breaker.

Another woman—Kate—well, for about a year
it was unconditional. No strings attached.
Unconditional love like that is beautiful.

But it turned out there were a couple of conditions,
such as, “You need to get a job.” Like working
on my novel wasn’t “work.” And she did this thing,
this little clicking sound with her tongue
whenever I did something she didn’t approve of,
which was often. This became a condition.

But after a careful appraisal of my feelings for you
I can honestly say that at the present moment
I see no problematic or inhibiting conditions whatsoever.

All indicators point toward a positive outcome,
and therefore I am quite comfortable in advising you
to come live with me and be my unconditional love.

10 setembro, 2020

Ditto #452

The tragedy of growing old is not that one is old but that one is still young.

--Ruth Rendell

08 setembro, 2020

Pormenores #161

Bloomed out
but so beautiful!

07 setembro, 2020

Coisas bonitas #46

 Beautiful lilies / Lindos lírios (ou coroas imperiais)

06 setembro, 2020

05 setembro, 2020

04 setembro, 2020

Coisas bonitas #45

Beautiful sunset colors 04.09.2020

02 setembro, 2020

Palavras lidas #471

by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Good-night? ah! no; the hour is ill
Which severs those it should unite;
Let us remain together still,
Then it will be good night.

How can I call the lone night good,
Though thy sweet wishes wing its flight?
Be it not said, thought, understood—
Then it will be—good night.

To hearts which near each other move
From evening close to morning light,
The night is good; because, my love,
They never say good-night.

01 setembro, 2020

Ditto #451

Any idiot can face a crisis; it is this day-to-day living that wears you out.

--Anton Chekhov

Caprichos #609

Palazzo Madama, Turin