Summer is hot unless you're in Britain...
30 agosto, 2020
29 agosto, 2020
Foi neste dia #363 (2005)
Há 15 anos o furacão Katrina assolava a costa do Golfo do México perto de Nova Orleães onde a quebra dos diques provocou a inundação de 80% da cidade. Uma área de cerca de 362 quilómetros quadrados, equivalente a 7 ilhas de Manhattan.
15 years ago hurricane Katrina ravaged Mexico's Gulf Coast near New Orleans where levees broke flooding 80% of the city. An area of about 140 square miles, or 7 Manhattan islands.
28 agosto, 2020
27 agosto, 2020
26 agosto, 2020
25 agosto, 2020
24 agosto, 2020
23 agosto, 2020
22 agosto, 2020
21 agosto, 2020
Palavras lidas #470
Beauty That is Never Old
by James Weldon Johnson
When buffeted and beaten by life’s storms,
When by the bitter cares of life oppressed,
I want no surer haven than your arms,
I want no sweeter heaven than your breast.
When over my life’s way there falls the blight
Of sunless days, and nights of starless skies;
Enough for me, the calm and steadfast light
That softly shines within your loving eyes.
The world, for me, and all the world can hold
Is circled by your arms; for me there lies,
Within the lights and shadows of your eyes,
The only beauty that is never old.
by James Weldon Johnson
When buffeted and beaten by life’s storms,
When by the bitter cares of life oppressed,
I want no surer haven than your arms,
I want no sweeter heaven than your breast.
When over my life’s way there falls the blight
Of sunless days, and nights of starless skies;
Enough for me, the calm and steadfast light
That softly shines within your loving eyes.
The world, for me, and all the world can hold
Is circled by your arms; for me there lies,
Within the lights and shadows of your eyes,
The only beauty that is never old.
Palavras lidas,
20 agosto, 2020
Ditto #450
Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamppost what it feels about dogs.
--Christopher Hampton
19 agosto, 2020
18 agosto, 2020
16 agosto, 2020
Espantos #606
Rolf checking carefully which leg is longest, while he sleeps
Rolf a verificar cuidadosamente qual a maior perna, enquanto dorme
15 agosto, 2020
12 agosto, 2020
11 agosto, 2020
Palavras lidas #469
Letting Go of What Cannot Be Held Back
by Bill Holm
Let go of the dead now.
The rope in the water,
the cleat on the cliff,
do them no good anymore.
Let them fall, sink, go away,
become invisible as they tried
so hard to do in their own dying.
We needed to bother them
with what we called help.
We were the needy ones.
The dying do their own work with
tidiness, just the right speed,
sometimes even a little
satisfaction. So quiet down.
Let them go. Practice
your own song. Now.
by Bill Holm
Let go of the dead now.
The rope in the water,
the cleat on the cliff,
do them no good anymore.
Let them fall, sink, go away,
become invisible as they tried
so hard to do in their own dying.
We needed to bother them
with what we called help.
We were the needy ones.
The dying do their own work with
tidiness, just the right speed,
sometimes even a little
satisfaction. So quiet down.
Let them go. Practice
your own song. Now.
Aqueles dias,
Palavras lidas,
10 agosto, 2020
09 agosto, 2020
08 agosto, 2020
07 agosto, 2020
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